

We have complied a few things we feel are important for you to know regarding the care and operation of your computer:

Always shut down your computer properly.
Defragment the hard drive periodically.
Use an anti-virus program to prevent a virus on you computer.
Back up your data to another media, such as, external disk or remote storage to ensure you have a copy.
Delete any message that refers to groups or organizations that you are not a part of.

Do not use magnets around a computer.
Do not eat or drink around the computer.
Do not download files or programs from sites you don’t know or trust.
Never write down your password. Especially on a Post-It note stuck to your computer!.
Never reply to e-mail(s) requesting financial or personal information.



Here at our A.I.M. division we are here to assist however we can, with that in mind here are a few do’s and don’t to ensure safety on our roads:

Don’t text and drive. Drivers who text and drive are more likely to get into an accident.